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Westminster, November 29th, 1954 a new council of Westminster, No. 3926, was authorized for the fast growing West Orange County area by the National Headquarters at New Haven Connecticut.  The new council was sponsored by the Santa Ana Council No. 1842 which at the time boasted a membership of over 200 members and was constantly growing.  The newly formed Westminster Council started with 45 charter members.


The initial officers installed by Tom Kasprsyk, District Deputy, Knights of Columbus 29th district were: Grand Knight A.B. "Duff" LeMay, Deputy Grand Knight Bob Grimes, Chancellor Bob Middlebrook, Warden Kim Baker, Financial Secretary Jerry Still, Recorder Harry Reynolds, Advocate Dr. Paul Ohlinger, Treasurer Tex Hodges, and Trustees John Bryant, Jack Daily and AI Moynagh, Inside Guard Bob Mercer, Outside Guard Vic Sugga and Reverend Phillip Donaghue as Chaplain.

The commitment to the Knights of Columbus by its members goes above and beyond the Council. The current Supreme Treasurer of the Knights Columbus is Past Grand Knight Emilio Moure. The Council also boasts two California State Deputies, Past Grand Knight Ross Willour and Past Grand Knight Emilio Moure.  Involvement within the Orange County Chapter of the Knights of Columbus has
yield numerous Chapter Presidents and officers.


Council 3926 year after year has won numerous awards for its programs and
accomplishing its membership goals.

Knights of Columbus
Saint Columban Council 3926
7836 Westminster Boulevard
Westminster, CA 92683

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